This page is a work in progress. Please leave comments if you have good resources to share.
What is privilege?
- Privilege 101-ish [Binary Subverter]
- Derailing for Dummies: a tongue-in-cheek ‘guide’ to derailing a conversation. These are some common tactics people use to avoid examining privilege.
- A Simple Exercise: reflections on privilege in a midwestern college town
- Some lists to consider
- Cisgender Privilege [T-Vox]
- Heterosexual Privilege [Earlham College students]
- Male Privilege [Barry Deutsch], some criticisms and reflections
- White Privilege [Peggy McIntosh]
- Black Male Privilege [Jewel Woods]
- And… A List of Privilege Lists [Amptoons]
What does power look like?
- The Microaggressions Project: a collection of experiences of power and privilege in everyday life
- “The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates: more than an argument for reparations for anti-black racism, a compelling history and analysis of the institutional decisions that have produced systemic injury against Black Americans up to the present.
Racism and Rationalization
Jay Smooth: social commentator and hip-hop radio show host (his video blog: Ill Doctrine)
How To Tell People They Sound Racist
TEDx: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Discussing Race