I’ve begun putting together a collection of publicly available philosophy texts online. This is a work in progress, so please share links to significant texts that would enhance this list.
Databases and Collections
- Early Christian Church Fathers. [collected by CCEL]
- Online Library of Liberty. Large collection of texts of political thought from ancient to modern. [maintained by Liberty Fund]
- Carnegie Classics of International Law [Google e-books]
- Early English Books Online (EEBO).
- Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO).
- Google Books
- HathiTrust Digital Library
- Open Library
- An Analytic Bibliography of On-line Neo-Latin Texts
- Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
- Europeana
- Internet Archive
- Post-Reformation Digital Library
- SIEPM Medieval Philosophy Online
Works (chronological)
- Aquinas, Thomas. Summa Theologica. Translation by Fathers of the English Dominican Province. Second and Revised Edition, 1920. [PDF format, HTML format]
- Aquinas, Thomas. Opera Omnia. (Latin edition of 1882, 16 vols.)
- Buridanus, Johannes [John Buridan]. Questions super decem libres ethicorum Aristotelis ad Nicomachum (Paris 1513).
- Cajetan, Thomas de Vio. Commentarium in S. Thomae Summam Theologicum [1540] (included in Latin edition of Aquinas, 1882)
- Soto, Domingo de. De Iustitia et Iure [1553] (Latin edition of 1569)
- Connan, François de. Commentariorum iuris civilis libri X [1556] (Latin edition of 1609)
- Vazquez de Manchaca, Fernando. Illustrium Controversarium Aliarumque Usu Frequentium Libri VI (Contraversarium Illustrium I-III; Controversarium Usu Frequentium I-III at p. 460)
- Molina, Luis de. De Iustitia et Iure [1593] (new Latin edition of 1659)
- Piccolomini, Francesco. Universa philosophia de moribus [1583] (Latin edition of 1595)
- Lessius, Leonardo. De Iustitia et Iure [1605] (Latin edition of 1610)
- Suarez, Francisco. De Legibus ac Deo Legislatore [1612] (Latin edition of 1613)
- Suarez, Francisco. Opera Omnia (Latin); see annotated bibliographies [Sidney Penner]
- Vasquez, Gabriel. Commentariorum ac Disputationum in (partes) S. Thomae [1598-1615] (Latin: 1a: Q. 1-26, Q. 27-64, [Q. 65-119]; 1a2ae: Q. 1-84, Q. 90-114; [2a2ae]; 3a: [Q. 1-83], Q. 84-90)
- Vasquez, Gabriel. Opuscula moralia ad explanandas quot quaestiones Secundae Secundae D. Thomae concinnata.
- Gentili, Alberico. De iure belli libri tres [1598]
- Oñate, Pedro de. De Contractibus. (Book 1 – on contracts in general, Book 2 – on lucrative contracts, Book 3 – on onerous contracts)
- Pufendorf, Samuel von. On the Law of Nature and Nations, with annotations and preface by Jean Barbeyrac. [1672] (English translation of 1729; also Barbeyrac’s French edition of 1706 and Latin edition of 1672)